Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Two Oh Oh Eight

So unlike the customary wraps of the past year that I have done all this while, my brain has, unfortunately, turned to mush this year.

All in all, I loved 2007, although the beginning was more of a down for me than an up. But towards the end, everything was great. Everything managed to straighten itself out eventually, and the last bit of it all....spending them with my beloveds again after so long was just the cherry on top of the icing.

Lurve ya alls~!

Then it was much-treasured Kch time with the lovelies.

This year's NYE outing was themed 'Shing's party at Kel's apartment', which turned out to be FAB! Well, in my opinion anyway. Me and Lai felt a tad guilty at the end, though, because we were supposed to drive into the city to meet up with peeps, but it was POURING and I mean POURRRINNNGGGG like mad. Hope everyone had fun still, though! :) And muchos gracias to Kel and Jane for throwing a greaaatttttt pary! Hehe.

Was a little off after that. And I apologise profusely to Manda for being a tad too chatty and driving home in a near stupor. HurHur. Also to Buaya whom I sent a text filled with what I am positive, was nonsense even though I don't remember a single thing.

Love all of you guys. Thank you loadddddssss for making the end of the year such a great one!

Heck, loads more to update on but I am soooo lazy. Oh well....till the next post....

Au revoir ;)

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