Couldn't think of an appropriate enough title for this one. Maybe because I initially wanted to mark the post down as 'The Day Shing dappled in Adventure Sports' but then I realised it was gonna be a mishmash of things (Haha, your word, Jenn).
So on this very glorious day, I went on a caving trip because I am a very nice person, and as Cheek kindly reminded with his 'puss in boots eyes', he and Sean were friends in need. Which is true enough, anyway. I felt sorry about the turn-out of the whole situation and decided trips like these were worth a try at least once in a lifetime anyway.
Let me reinstate that the day before, me and Michelle played pivotal roles in roping in last minute victims....oops, I meant people, to join the expedition. After much pleading to extents that almost saw me exhausting my persuasion skills, we managed to con 4 more ppl (one of which we automatically included) to join at the last minute. Unfortunately I realise that I probably can't do anymore of this because it would probably seem very hypocritical if I went around conning people to join trips in which I myself do not participate. Hur Hur.
This is getting too long. Argh. Anyway, all in all, the trip was....eye-opening and definitely a once in a lifetime experience for me. To say that I have developed a sudden love for Adventure sports would be pushing the limit, but I am glad that I went, even if the least there was to gain from it was discovering that I am a hopeless climber.....which wasn't the case, of course. There was much insight that I gained from it, from all angles. The structures were magnificent and the pitch black atmosphere was incredibly calming at times.
Unfortunately, a certain Japanese counterpart possibly owes me a new outfit from Yohji Yamamoto. Lol.
Back to the reality of mugging and catching up w tons of stuff, and practising for OSCE's now. ARGH. Which I have yet to do. Through karaoke moments like last night and 'adventurous moments' like this one, all in all, the clock is ticking. And I realise I have been abandoning my friends yet again. Sorry!
And also sorry for the previous cryptic post. It wasn't really meant to be cryptic, I just haven't gotten around to telling some people. Haha. Well, at the very least, one person knows what I'm talking about :)
Thanks for always being there, Niff. Through the mountain of complaints and more.
Will put some overdue pics up in the next entry