Monday, July 31, 2006

Here's to my favourite 19-yr-old in the whole of Malaysia...hehe...

Happy 19th Birthday, Kimberly!

Thank you for being one of the greatest friends I've ever had....and I'm thankful for the fact that WE (you, me, Hanna) have remained close despite some of us TG-ers drifting apart *muacks* Love ya lots, babes. Hehe it feels weird not to be celebrating your bday w you this year but ahh....oh wells....hope I'll see you in KL some time or another.
Hope you're having a blast working in CIMB w Julian and the rest of the LSE ppl. And hrmms....not like you're ever gonna read this, but it's the thought that counts. Hehe.

It was a very eventful and productive weekend. I had doubts about the seminar in the beginning but it turned out to be fairly rewarding, especially the second day. And I was glad to learn so much about headaches....more than I have ever had in my entire life. I know, I's ironic that I'm the Queen of Headaches, yet I have never actually gone round to researching the annoying pain that plagues me ever so often. Heh. Although the only downside (or is it? Lol) was the fact that my cousin's girlfriend appeared to be utterly frightened of me, my other cousin and a friend. Oopsie! Hee :) Were we THAT intimidating?

I also, very surprisingly, bumped into EJ. Remember, Lodgians?? Our uber cool Bio teacher who taught us for....I dunno how long place of Cikgu Anita? Hahahah. He was really nice, although he couldn't register my name and I couldn't register his when I first met him. Hahaha. I think he was a bit daunted by the sudden presence of so many Lodgians suddenly. Me and my cousin both. Lol. Remember the good old days, Cherie? The fluorescent green & yellow tie we gave him and all?

Bao and Audrey left to PKK today. Haha. Hope you guys have fun, carrying water and acting in Thai, mainly. Also, remember not to be too bright a lightbulb ;)

Friday, July 28, 2006

Oh My Gosh....

I totally CANNOT believe it.

The Sarawak Club.....nothing but a pile of ash and blackened wood....completely ruined.

I was adamant that the damage couldn't be THAT bad until I made myself drive past it today to check out how badly burnt down it was.

It'll take ages to get it all up and running again. Goodness....and to think that I've been a member since I was 5. Or rather, that I'd just pulled into the driveway a mere few days ago =O

So Gymming and Swimming plans are at a HALT for now *suLLkkkkk*

Kch will definitely not be the same without the Club. Hope they find the cause (or rather, the arsonist....I'm betting it had to be arson) real soon.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Hey all~

Here's to the resurrection of a long dead blog? Hehe....nahh not really. More like a completely revamped blog, stripped clean of all its emo, sappy past. I've decided that my past rants were far too shallow and self-absorbed for their own good, so here's to a fresh new 'flavour'. Lol. Well, hopefully, that is....Haha...I've nvr known myself to be much of a 'current affairs' or 'information overload' kind of blogger. However, I shall persevere :)

Kch has never felt more like home. And I'm drinking in every bit of this summer holidays. Who knows how many summer holidays I'll have to come in the future. And of those, how many I could actually spend in Kch. No matter how much we complain about Kch's lack of social hangouts, especially at the end of the matter how much we loathe our 'standing around in circles' deciding where to go after a movie, no matter how often we visit Bing! to the extent that we can memorise the menu (okay, exaggeration....I can't! lol), it all boils down to one thing. Kch is still home. And home rawks :) I'm sure my fellow Lodgians/Kch-ians will attest to that.

And I swear my driving has gotten better this holiday *HUGE GRIN* Well, still gotta work on the parallel parking a bit, but I actually managed to parallel park last night outside the trendy new place called 'Tao' at which I met Dina, Jane & Thai Ying. Amidst Jane's disgust at the weird-tasting ice-blended green tea and Di's sudden obsession with the name Richard, catch-up session was eventful :) And it is at these sessions that I realise how greatly I miss ppl like Manda, Voon, Cherie L, Yun...etc etc....and the carefree days of High Sch. Haha. It's allright...December will come... (*HINT: if you guys don't come back I'm going to skewer you!)

Currently reading: Tuesdays With Morrie (Mitch Albom)
Hauntingly meaningful. It's amazing how one can connect words with life and make them so...realisitc. So real. Painful in some ways, but so true in others. I remember once putting this quote on my MSN nick and Matthew said it intrigued him because he found it strangely well-connected.

Life is a series of pulls back and forth...a tension of opposites, like the pull on a rubber band, and most of us live somewhere in the middle.

You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do another.

Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't.

You take certain things for granted, even when you know you shouldn't take things for granted.

Nothing like curling up with a good novel on your bed with the much-needed air conditioning at full blast nearby. Hehe ^^

In the midst of browsing through news on the net, I was appalled by the news that Juve were being demoted to Serie B next season with a 30 point deduction. I can't imagine what will happen to them! World class stars like Vieira, Trezeguet and Buffon...Serie B! And even Milan with that 15 point deduction and the ban from European football. Gosh! Milan...they were finalists against Liverpool in the Champions League in 2005 (which Liverpool WON...muahaha). I know I might be abit outdated, as this doesn't seem to be very current news, but ah well....shocked all the same.

This is a little random....but remember the movie 'Fifty First Dates'? If I recall correctly, the girl had short term memory or something. Like, she might know this person one day and completely forget him/her the next. I always thought it was pretty stupid until I read this article about a lady who suffers from 'face blindness' or prosopagnosia, and had to be reminded of her family / friends every single day by means of her 'book of memories' or verbal reminder. More shockingly, it is the result of a virus that infected her a few years ago. To think of the extent that a VIRUS can do to destroy someone's life that way :S

Makes me think again and again how fragile life is and how important it is to live it to the fullest.

Was reading a sappy novel a few days ago and I came across something which I found incredibly true.

"Nothing matters anymore now that I know I can never have what I want the most"

To which the reply was:

"It is still too early in life to use the word 'THE MOST'"


On a completely random note, I'm REALLY looking fwd to starting my job as a research assistant!

Happy Holidays, people~