Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Once upon a time, on the 20th of June....

...... the most amazing person in the world was born :)

On this day, 20/06/07, she turns the big 2-1.

Happy 21st Birthday, Manda!! You mean the world to me, and so much more.

You've had my back through all the dark days of endless whining and outburst of emotions where you seemed to demonstrate infinte patience and the greatest sense of empathy ever.

Through all the sticky moments where we would crack our heads on where to hold our annual NYE Celebration this year.... ;)

Through hilarious moments over Absolut Mandarin in Bar Zing and sniggering about Zhin, I, Bobi, Hide or Ina. Lol.

And through the fun times where we would talk on the phone for hours on end as though three years had not flown by in a glimpse since the days of sharing my table and gossiping during History class.

You know me inside out, even when I'm holding back things that cannot be put forth in coherent words, and you always ALWAYS understand me most. And when I realise that my days are flying by ever so quickly with each year being added on the calendar (and me feeling old in the process), when I hang out with you, I'm reminded ever so dearly of our High School days and how life could possibly have been so bright and shiny back then compared to now. And even if we have changed throughout this entire time, you have definitely not changed one bit as my bestest best friend :)

~~** To Utah, From Massachussetts....with Love :) ** ~~ LOL

Words cannot do justice as to how much your friendship has touched my life in the greatest of ways.....so off the top of my head, here are a few highlights that I will always keep in my heart wherever we may be....five, ten or even twenty years from now....

~* My 7th Birthday Party.....even though it ended in the most disastrous of ways and I still feel a little tinge of guilt since then, I'm glad it marked the beginning of our friendship :) Hehe.

~* Quadruple *ahem* 'dating'....with Yenny & Denise, and X,Y,Z & I. Hahahah. I remember the very first show we watched. Miss Congeniality. And even though, come to think of it now, it couldn't possibly have been any more awkard than that, LOL, it was one of the most FUN moments of my life. Not just because it was funny, but because you were there ;)

~* Phone conversations that last for hours on end. The latest one in my mind being our recent dissection of my 'outing' with Zhin. Hahahaha. To you I can yak on forever and ever as if time had stood still. I have only found one other person whom I can do that with....and yet at the end of the day, he is still nothing compared to you. Hehe *muacks*

~* Our 'compatriot-ly' games....hahaha, in the days where our footie knowledge could have challenged those of the ESPN presenters and stalking info of Hide and Ina online seemed to provide the dire entertainment needed in F4 and F5 while every Arsenal vs Liverpool match was exciting in every possible way (although the outcome was almost always the same). Lol.

Ahhhh, the nostalgia. Hehe. Despite how much I wish I could turn back the hands of time to that moment where seeing each other everyday in school was taken for granted, there is nothing I would trade for this. For how much of a pillar you have been to me and how our friendship has withstood the wear & tear of time only to remain very much like before.

So here's to 14 years of being friends, and many more to come :)

PS: Oooooh this provided me with the best form or procrastination possible. Sorry though, my picutre uploading thingy is weird, so more pics at a later date. Hahahah. Happy 21st Birthday, babes! And rmb.....I lurrrveeeeeee youuuu, bestie <3~>

Friday, June 15, 2007

Getting in touch with reality

A request from my Niffeyhh Baybbeehhh, hence the update, even though there is absolutely nothing to update on. Lol.

I've changed so much in the past few months that it's almost unbelievable. I realised I had become a different person ever since I left school all those years back, and to change even further from that...well....sometimes I'm not sure who I really am or want to be anymore. I am aware that change isn't necessarily always a good thing, but I am also aware that I am closer to discovering myself now than ever before, and the person I am today, despite being a shadow of the person I would like to be, is very much more ME than the person I was back in High School.

I have also discovered, that some of my friends from back home have never changed one bit. And again, I'm not saying this is necessarily a good thing. It never ceases to amaze me, the myriad of personalities that exist amongst the people I know in this world. And yet it also exasperates me, at times, how some people could possibly act in certain ways. At the risk of sounding judgmental, a free world as it is, there are certain standards that are expected of a person in terms of being labelled a nice, down-to-earth, humble, sensitive, generous human being, and as much as I dwell on the phrase 'That's what friends are for', friends are around to give and take, help those in sticky situations, lend a shoulder to cry on and so much more. I've had my fair share of giving and taking (bless those people, you know who you are ;)), and yet ever since I left my comfy days of TG and Baby E, I have realised that the definition of friends has varied so widely in this very day, amongst different people, that it pains me at times.

I cannot dwell enough on how much insensitivity, blatant rudeness, mean attributes and such could kill a friendship, and I cannot stress enough now. On the surface, I may be the epitome of calmness in public. I will do things obligingly within my limits if you have to ask, even if I think it is downright unreasonable. I will go along with things that I dislike, just because I don't want to cause an unnecessary squabble. I will never raise my voice and shout at you in public, simply because I believe in basic courtesy and the way I portray myself amongst people. And yet, somewhere along the line, I will break. And even though I might not show it, or the cracks will heal almost immediately, the growing rift between those individuals is inevitable.

In the 12 months or so from now, when I see my friends from home again, it will indefinitely be awkward. I am changed, but I have changed into a person that is perceived differently by them than I would have liked myself to be. And yet, does it matter? Does it matter that it would possibly be my name on the table this time being labelled a b*tch by people because I am ungrateful and have abandoned my relationships with the rest? Does it matter that people will see me differently in a not-so-flattering light (if not already now) because there have been incorrect judgements of my character being passed around verbally? To be truthful, it doesn't bother me one bit. When you are stuck in ruts or drowning in seas, friends are supposed to be there, through thick and thin, because they will know you inside out, and even if people change, the connection between them will always exist, if the friendship is true. And if it doesn't....well, enough said.

I don't mind nonsensical banter, or sitting around the table talking about lame stuff, but untruthful gossip, belittling judgements of people and calculative accounts of others definitely do NOT get my vote.

My calm composure at all times does not mean I have infinite patience and endurance. I am but human, after all.

I realise that my blog is cryptic as such, but it is my turf after all.

And finally, contrary to the popular common conclusion that might be drawn after reading this entry, I am NOT, I repeat.....NOT complaining about people in particular. I do not complain about people in particular. To me, you do not anger me unless you are significant enough. And no, nobody significant enough to me is guilty of such proceedings. This entry is not meant for whinging purposes or to grovel for empathy from others. It is merely a series of ponderings that I have translated from thoughts to clumsy strings of words, and even though you might write it off as judgmental, I think there is some truth in it. And I am merely voicing it aloud because all of the above are potentially exasperating in every possible way, and as people who do not want such things done to them (I'm sure), the things above should definitely not be done unto others.

I will update about more coherent, day-to-day stuff after next week :)

Last but not least, a shoutout to my person Niffy Poo. You are the best! You provide me with the much-needed breaks and help maintain my sanity. You amuse all my silly rantings about certain peopole or things in particular, so that's why I need to say this. You must always be honest with me k? ANY time that I am being self-centered or annoying or just too freaking long-winded, you have to tell me. Lol. Cos you are one of the few ppl I can tell everything to, and hmmm....well....enough said. Muacks, babes!! :)

PS: Manda!!! Choose a favourite state! Hehehehe. And keep updating, because your taggie is my only insanity-releasing outlet these days. Hugs lurrveee you to bits and for a fraction of a second, I even wish i was in Ade. Hehehe ;) -- Massachussets -- LOL.

And Woogui aka King of my Kingdom aka G17! Come out of ur shell!!!! You too, RoyalBaoOnTheGoldenPlatter!!!
