Saturday, June 27, 2009

Blackberry 101

Some time back, I got hooked on to the idea of switching to a Blackberry Smartphone in the midst of procrastinating for exam preparations. I think the very first thing that managed to catch my eye was the 'Push Email' function, and secondly, the Blackberry Messenger function (BBM), enabling one Blackberry user to BBM another for absolutely free.

I'm one of those people who can't stand it when others take 10000 years to reply emails, as I check my Inbox very, very regularly and reply all important e-mails pronto. Hence, a Blackberry would enable me to keep all my emails up to date, if I could just reply them any time I wanted from my phone. The plus point is that it is 'Push E-mail', meaning that the notification comes as a text msg (sort of), compared to other phones where you'd have to download the e-mail to be read.

I managed to spread my influence and sell the idea of how amazing a Blackberry was to Nicholas, who was instantly conned (HAHA) and went ahead and got a Blackberry even before I could. Pffttt. Well, on a more serious note, I DID do my research, and concluded that the swankiest 'IT Phone' to get was definitely the Blackberry Bold:

Given, I know the Blackberry Storm is newer, AND it is Blackberry's first Touch Screen phone, but I've read many reviews that describe the Storm's touch screen function as being not user-friendly compared to the iPhone's.

So I figured, why make life so difficult. I would be a nightmare with touch screen phones anyway. It took me ages to even figure out how to search someone's name and call that contact on my friend's iPhone, and despite the Apple Fan I one can deny that the Blackberry is a class above all else. Why else is it called a Smart Phone? ;)

And yes, I do realise that Blackberrys aren't the slimmest/thinnest/smallest phones in the market, but hey......what are our bags for anyway? ;) "Join the BB Clan", as Voon puts it, and Jump on the Bandwagon!

Looking forward to getting my Blackberry this August!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Because to me, you are perfect

I was just in the mood for sappy stuff and found these off a site while surfing: Le Love Image
I think I haven't been sappy for a really REALLY long time. Time and age have turned me into someone more cynical and more realistic. In a good way, I always say, because there's always a balance needed to everything, and I'm pretty sure I've reached that now.
So until I find that imperfect somebody, I can definitely still replace him with my OHCM and Harrisons ;)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Macbook Mania

It's funny how just last summer, when my mum suggested the idea of switching to a Macbook, (Yes, my mum is about 3 steps ahead of me in terms of current trends / technology sometimes) that I completely veto-ed the idea because I thought that Macs were sooooo different from PC's and I just didn't have the brain capacity to learn and apply new technology. Buaya suggested that I switch to a Mac as well, but I reiterated the same reply.....and it was only then that he told me that Windows could be installed on to the Mac, and I could switch between the two if I liked.

Well, here I am, one whole year later.....and completely set on getting a Macbook. Be it the Classic Macbook or the Macbook Pro, because Apple only recently updated their 13" Aluminium Classic Macbook to become a Macbook Pro. But am most definitely leaning towards the 13" Macbook Pro....simply because Yuan Lih noted that the white plastic Mac could turn into a yellow Mac at some point in the near future.

So I've been boring Ian and Kel and any other Mac user I can think of with tons and tons of questions....but nothing has really changed the fact that I am most definitely going to get a Mac when I go back to Kch.

I've even been watching some Mac tutorials online! Hehehe. If only I was THIS enthusiastic and THIS prepared for all my medical exams!


I'm turning into an Apple Fan already. I just recently got my Ipod Nano (YES I know again that I'm outdated....but I never had much use for mp3 players before this until the headphones on my Creative one failed me), and I've been using it wherever I go!

So hopefully all goes well and I have better luck with laptops this time around after I purchase my Macbook. Or Macbook Pro. So that I'll be a full-fledged Apple fan not just because of their sleek designs (ahemNodahem) but because they are worth every cent that I pay for.

Friday, June 05, 2009


Meet Blynken:

Call me sappy or childish or just a schmuck. But I don't think I've grinned this much to myself in ages :)