Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Au Revoir. Till We Meet Again.

Had a fabulous fun-filled afternoon belting my lungs out with my 4 fabulous friends who so kindly offered some Singstar therapy to lift my spirits. Here's to Wei, Matun, LX and YL. You guys are the best! And also, kudos to the hidden talent of YLH who vehemently refused to participate, only to turn out to be a POPSTAR. Heheheh ;)

Weather unfortunately took a turn for the worse this week. Goodbye to shorts and coatless scurries to and from the hospital. Pfftt. I spiked a bit of a temp on Monday, which explained my incessant complaints of the cold in Hammersmith and to and from Heathrow. Seems to have turned into a bit of a flu as of now, but ahh well. I can't really be bothered about Vascular Surgery anyway. Have been in a bit of a 'cant be arsed' mood since Monday. I would rather spend some of the time working on more Learning Objectives rather than faffing around doing nothing productive I reckon.

So much for being an emotional roller-coaster. So much for the gung-ho enthusiasm that I maintained throughout Colorectal Surgery. So much for really enjoying the rotation. So much for earning a medal for not letting my guard down and shedding any tears for the whole week prior to Monday.

I guess I shouldn't really complain. I had purposely planned my Monday so that I was free and so that I could max out the time possibly spent with JH right until he left. And I was perfectly fine for most of it. Maybe it's because it is Wednesday night and just a week ago, we were eating my failed attempt at reinacting Kch's authentic Kolo Mee and reminiscing about the good old times for a full 4 hours or so, and I even ended with an optimistic "It's okay. I'll see you soon."

And now my couch is filled with a good 6 kg worth of clothes/shoes/laptop bag/laundry bag/hairdryer/glass (!)/and laptop manual guides that I had lugged back from Heathrow because I had predicted this massive excess in baggage weight, and I felt that it was the least I could do to prevent any panic or lack of better judgement on the spot.

Maybe because the past few years have flown by just like that, and it had never occurred properly to me that one day the reality of Farewell would appear right ahead.

Maybe because you will always be one of the only people in this world whom I can click so well with and who can make me laugh genuinely from the heart.

And you will always be irreplaceable in my heart. BFF, Greatest Friend Ever. Buaya. HPY. Whatever.

Thank you for everything. For all the good times. For all the patience despite my thoughtless tantrums. For picking me up when I needed support the most. For helping me find myself again. For all the laughter and 'intellectual banter'. For just being there and being you.

And hopefully you will come back soon and we will meet again :)

1 comment:

LX said...

Si YL not only popstar. Superstar. Lead Singer. All the things you can get! HAHAHHAHA!! Ok, we should all go back to study mode.