Monday, October 09, 2006

9th October 2006 - Happy 20th! :)

The opera was fantastic, save for my queasy and unstable stomach =S

However, now I fully understand what ppl mean when they say denial is incredibly annoying. But as to be expected, the leading actor and actress came to their senses finally at the end. Haha.

Two thumbs up all the same, though. Thanks for 'conning' us, heffabao :)

Here's a shout-out to my beloved fellow Heffa, HANNA !!! ^^

Happy 20th Babes! Me loves you loads.'re always the person I can count on, and I'm sorry for all the times I dragged you here, there and everywhere and probably bored you to death! Heheh :) *hugs*

The weekend was incredibly.....I dunno....filled with seeing the same ppl almost over and over again. I hope I didn't bore anyone to death by going on and on like a neverending story...but if I did, hahaha. Gomenasai. The British Museum was pretty cool, though. Less boring than the V&A, although the place was much smaller...although we spent an amazingly geeky moment pausing at a display of a set of bones and identifying trochleas, trochanters, olecranon processes and femurs through the glass. Haha, well, rather...I did.

The Devil Wears Prada with Hanna on Saturday night was...not really up to my high expectations, but filled with breathless portrayals of incredibly well co-ordinated outfits, as the name would have indicated. They didn't impress me as much as Meryl Streep's posh composure though. Hehe. 'That's all~' :)

Greys Episode 2 was a letdown. Blahhhh. But Greys Episode 3 was pretty cool. Hehe. Gahhh, I am such a drama addict xp

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