Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy 20th Birthday, Bao! :)

Okay it's officially past 12 midnight....12:44 am to be*drumroll*

HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY BAO!!!! ^^______^^

I rmb this time last year we celebrated at Nando's after the stupid I&D FA, and I gave you Bobble! TeeHee....yeayyy you still have Bobble on your shelf.

Anyways....since you've hit the bit 2-0 now, it's time to stop hitting Woogui. Lols. Okay kiddings larh, I know it's how you to demonstrate your love for each other. That's why I know I can never be the only 'colour' in both of your hearts. HurHur.

But nevermindddd whether I am your colour or not.....hehe.....we'll always be haopengyous ^^ so you better not ditch me for the hao peng you after this. Lol.


This week was not as hectic as the last, but was eventful all the same. Sunday was the best. Chilling at Audrey's and Bao's for 7/8 hours was DA BOMB. Lol. And the amount of food I consumed that day....tsk tsk....ohhhh wellll....even if it ends in CHD, at least I was happy doing it. Hahaha. Watched 'The Lake House' and 'Innocent Steps'. The latter was about the 3rd time or so for me, and I still like it. HurHur. Cos the guy looks like Genius larhhhh. Anyways, 'The Lake House' was pretty much a letdown, I somehow expected better......but it was quite nice all the same larh, very mellow stuff. Anyways, I heart you guys loads! Sunday was one day to remember :)

Chekkie I know you said to stop writing cryptic stuff because you don't understand, so I will try okay? Hahaha...I'll try to make this my last cryptic post....well in a while anyway.

See, I know you like the back of my hand. Lols.

At least it makes up slightly for my absence during the day itself....I hope. Hehe

Hearing that high-pitched squeal again was priceless. But I'm glad....


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