Monday, June 14, 2010

Coping Mechanisms

Life....issues.....drama......PMS. Who are we kidding? Even when it is not that time of the month and life is considerably drama or issue-free, we all get our moments of 'sienness' or emo bouts, or even those days that you open your eyes and wished that you could just sleep forever.

(Hello Garfield? Could we just exchange places for one day please?)

So we have coping mechanisms. To each her own.

I remembered a time when mine was JH-induced laughter. Or Zhin-induced laughter.

And then as the years went by and JH and Zhin's roles slowly diminished in my life, I found different therapeutic methods of making life that much more bearable.

The first being my BFF and possibly the funniest person ever in this world, Pei Hua.

And the second - not so good, scrape that: not good at ALL - was retail therapy.

The week before, I had bouts of intermittent 'sienness'. Days when you just felt like you really needed a break from this world and just dream about post-exam freedom and summer holidays in the comfort of home. And then I got that break from the world when I had the most fabulous weekend ever with PH over AND our marathon shopping trips - more cardio than I could ever have done in one gym session, I assure you.

Despite the unproductiveness of our shopping spree, the endless hours of conversation, the uncontrollable laughter, the sniggering at TV shows on my computer, the Youtube surfing, the eating sessions - everything was worth so much more. Our numerous mini trips between London and Manchester have been the many highlights of my year, and in the darker moments, given me something to hold on to and move forward.

And at the end of the weekend, I decided that there was no way that I was letting PMS combat me and succumb to using it as a weak excuse for everything.

Because even in those bleak moments, you realise that these things are probably all that you need in life:

A Bestie


(you didn't see the second line. Shopaholic who??)

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