Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Series of Unfortunate Events

1) On Sunday, while happily chugging along back to London from Edinburgh, the train suddenly stalled in the middle of nowhere and we were informed that some other train had broken down ahead in God-Knows-What station, and was blocking both tracks, causing this massive traffic congestion. YL and I were stranded for 3 whole hours. Thank God for the free food and beverage that they offered to prevent our extreme irritability from mounting to insane heights. Finally got back around 1.30 am, and my BFF JH did not help by reiterating the fact again in subtle ways that I made the wrong choice of going to Edin.

2) On Monday, while innocently walking down the High Street from the hospital in broad daylight at 4.30 pm, I got stopped by this insane stranger who was positively drunk and kept grabbing my arm and blocking my path, so that I could not run away or shake him off. He tailed me all the way from the High Street to the Post Office (I made the mistake of not walking into the nearest shop and calling the cops right away), making me increasingly annoyed by the second, and then progressively more nervous when he almost gave me no way of leaving. I called for help in the end, and managed to leg it in heels alll the way to the tube station in 5 minutes flat.

And both these have masked a positively awesome weekend in the Burgh. Arthur's Seat, Chocolate Soup, PS3, StreetFighter, Honey Mustard Salmon, Canto Movies and Thai Commercials - amidst bountiful laughter from Tham, ChowChow, Hoo, Wynken and Yeap.

I don't think I've had this much fun in ages. Really :)

And this is when you know some friends are meant to last a lifetime.

1 comment:

deBLAH said...

Yea. I hope that every weekend is as nice as the last weekend:) FABULOUS!
