Saturday, December 30, 2006
This NYE, I hope, will be different. Partly because we DID plan something already - just have to hope it doesn't freakin rain...haha....and partly because there won't be much point MSN-ing or texting at home when there is no one to talk to any longer.
Every NYE, I feel like I am going through a modified version of closure, and it changes every year. And I feel obliged to blog about it. Haha. Last year, I made a list of things that had happened and things that should be forgotten. I guess that list would sky-rocket this year, so maybe I will omit that. Lol.
So far, Kch with the chums have been great. We have BarZing-ed, Senso-ed, Tao-ed, Frappe-ed and had dinner at My Restaurant, and hopefully SoHo will be as eventful tonight. No plans to get smashed at all though. The feeling is definitely not one worth remembering.
*** Chekkie and Wenx! I never see you on MSN! Okay, I'm hardly ever on....but anyway, hope you guys are enjoying yourselves - I know Chekkie is having fun shopping...Lol....and hope you have a good New Year's Eve.
*** Heffahanna! I miss yoouuuuuu babbbeeesss! Where are you??? Anyw, hope you're having fun back home and Happy New Year! I wanted to text you but I dunno if you were still using the same numb. Anyw, talk soon! (hugs!)
It feels strange to her, not knowing what is going on every hour of every day that passes them by, but I guess this is for the better.
Happy New Year, though :)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Happy 20th Birthday, Bao! :)
HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY BAO!!!! ^^______^^

I rmb this time last year we celebrated at Nando's after the stupid I&D FA, and I gave you Bobble! TeeHee....yeayyy you still have Bobble on your shelf.
Anyways....since you've hit the bit 2-0 now, it's time to stop hitting Woogui. Lols. Okay kiddings larh, I know it's how you to demonstrate your love for each other. That's why I know I can never be the only 'colour' in both of your hearts. HurHur.
But nevermindddd whether I am your colour or not.....hehe.....we'll always be haopengyous ^^ so you better not ditch me for the hao peng you after this. Lol.
This week was not as hectic as the last, but was eventful all the same. Sunday was the best. Chilling at Audrey's and Bao's for 7/8 hours was DA BOMB. Lol. And the amount of food I consumed that day....tsk tsk....ohhhh wellll....even if it ends in CHD, at least I was happy doing it. Hahaha. Watched 'The Lake House' and 'Innocent Steps'. The latter was about the 3rd time or so for me, and I still like it. HurHur. Cos the guy looks like Genius larhhhh. Anyways, 'The Lake House' was pretty much a letdown, I somehow expected better......but it was quite nice all the same larh, very mellow stuff. Anyways, I heart you guys loads! Sunday was one day to remember :)
Chekkie I know you said to stop writing cryptic stuff because you don't understand, so I will try okay? Hahaha...I'll try to make this my last cryptic post....well in a while anyway.
See, I know you like the back of my hand. Lols.
At least it makes up slightly for my absence during the day itself....I hope. Hehe
Hearing that high-pitched squeal again was priceless. But I'm glad....
Monday, December 11, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Hakuna Matata ~ Life is gooooodd (:
I embarked on the week promising myself that this week would DEFINITELY be much better than the's all in the head, I guess. And it has been! No more excessive thinking, no more random accusations, no more squabbling, no more paranoia.
And the shopaholic streak is back.....ohooohh yes it is. Haha :)
Okay, let's start from chronological order.
Sunday Night:
OCF Christmas Outreach 2006. Almost didn't make it due to some glitches the night before but we ended up going in the end, and it was pretty cool. Good, I guess. Except in the beginning I was kinda blur about what was going on in the play. And I recognised one of the actresses from last year's play. HurHur. Food was good. Ppl were piling stuff on my plate like there was no tomorrow and I finished it all. Haha. Undeniably proud. Yeay~! The funniest bit was probably when Annie and I sat next to a certain someone during the 2nd half and she got a fair amount of teasing after. Hahaha. Oh btw, sorry to those whom I made feel slightly awkward before and after the event.
Okay, there is nothing special about Monday. Apart from the fact that I went to Waterstones and got sucked into the enchanting world of Haruki Murakami. It has been a while since I experienced the immense joy of 'breathing in' the aura surrounding a good old bookstore, and I spent more than an hour that afternoon browsing the fiction section looking for a good read. In the end, I realised I was addicted to Haruki Murakami. And so I got 'South of the Border, West of the Sun' to follow up 'Sputnik Sweetheart' and 'Norwegian Wood'. In Waterstones, I was strangely reminded of my days as a kid, when I would so look forward to trips to the bookstore, and this warm feeling of nostalgia was well....strangely comforting. Hehe. I've been reading loads this week, which is good. The English is deteriorating, I feel. Lol.
The highlight of Tuesday is insignificant, but special to me at all causes. My MSN conversation with the bestie J*~. Look how I'm trying to stick to acronyms because I've realised that too many ppl can just find my blog by googling their names. I hadn't spoken to her in a while, so it was a really heartwarming conversation. You're right, dear. The fact that we have come this far.....Maintenance is the key. Gimme an M...Gimme an A...hahahaha. I heart you, J*~ :) You da best. And too bad Project Edinburgh 2006 didn't work out, but heyyy there's always Project Singapore 2007 or sth eyyy? I think I kinda distracted you working out the Parkinson's pathway or sth, but ahhh it was just so great to hear from you again. Really made my day.
Sorry to Woogui and Chekkie who asked me to go to dimsum. Hahaha. I already told Chekkie the night before that I was planning to go shopping. And so I went to Oxford St around 2, and the shopping streak just flew back. Argh. Fell in love with a pair of Zara shoes, and got them on impulse though they were insanely expensive. But I just so love them! Anyways, checked out a few Office stores but couldn't find the 20% discount storewide that Chekkie was talking about. Oh well....maybe I will check out the South Ken branch. It was nice to shop alone, though. I can just walk about at my own pace and make impulsive decisions by myself. Hehe. Wanted to find a nice headband as well, but the nicest one I saw at Aldo wasn't all that nice, and it was a whoopping 10 pounds. For a piece of plastic wrapped in cloth!
Then I came back in time to meet the visitor who'll be staying over with us for a couple of days. He was supposedly my junior from Lodge but I have no recollection. Hahah! But he remembers me vaguely, that's what he says. Not bad. Anyway, he's a really nice guy and we had fun talking at Nando's. I thought it would be kinda awkward seeing as I didn't know him at all and my cousin didn't know him well, but we got along pretty well. Good, good :) Makes me happy.
Plans for the weekend include chilling with the Bao and the Woogui on Friday. Don't stand me up okay :) We gotta spend quality time together and I still need to whack Bao for the 'liarliarpantsonfire' entry she put about me in her blog.
Saturday: H*~ has asked me to go to A*~'s housewarming party at Waterloo, so I guess I'll go. With my Heffa as well because she goes back on Sunday so it'll be our last outing tog.
And then Sunday: CharKueyTeow at Bao's place. Hehe.
Seems like a good week ahead. Yeayyyy :)
Now if only the insomnia would completely go away....
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Visuals from Annie's 21st in Chekkie's Kitchen. Hehe :)
Finally spoke to Manda today after almost a whole year. Hahaha. It never ceases to amaze me how I can speak to you once a year and still have alot to say to you!! I heart you, Bestie :)
I told Manda I won't let it affect me.
And I won't.
It's true...whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger :)
Bring it on~
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thanks to my couzzie whom I probably shocked all the way in Aust some random morning, and Hanna. My dear Heffa never fails me when I need her.
Well, more suitably cos I managed to sort some things out I guess. Okay, no more mad. I will start in chronological order.
Today was the best day I had this week by far. Chilling with the gurlies never fail to make my day.
Today, well yesterday...23rd November was my dear chiobu Annie's Big 2-1! Wished her Happy 21st on MSN a little past midnight and accidentally let the cat out of the bag. ERPS! Hehehe. Soorrryyy peeps! At least it still went well right?
Lunch was fantastic....the pasta bake, baked brocolli, mushrooms, apple crumble and bread&butter pudding were FABULOUS! And coming from me that's really something! Hahahaha. Okay I gorged down copious amounts of food, it was pretty disgusting. Been bingeing alot lately....gosh.
Managed to settle the bank dealings after lunch. -Clapclap-
Woogui called at 5+ asking if I wanted to go to out. I took a while to get ready, went to Chekkie's place and got reprimanded for being slow...haha.....and then we ended up around the kitchen table again chatting. About alotttt of things, namely teasing Annie, teasing Woogui, making fun of Bao, comparing the days when we had music classes, and yesss talking about how smart we USED to be. USSSEEEDDD to be. I swear I got dumber as I grew older. Seriously! I think it's all in the head though. I'm sure we can all be 'smart' again. It just takes discipline and effort and mugging and yes.....just that much more effort. We aren't Genius (note, my english ain't lousy, Genius is a proper noun in my context...hahaha) so yeah, effort plays a part.
PS: Sorry Chekkie, I dunno how I managed to spoil ur toilet! I didn't do anything! :S
KFC was refreshing though. It almost even made me feel sleepy enough to want to come back and go to sleep at 12 am, but then something managed to enrage me to the point of insomnia again. I think I must have jinxed myself earlier when I said I never get angry easily.
*Edit: No longer angry ^^ -clapclap!-
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
This is your path of life, and that is mine.
How would I describe our paths?
I used to think that we moved in circles. Every now and then, we would always return to where we started off.
Now I can only hope that our paths are like parallel lines.
Because then, we would never meet.
Don't worry, ten days will pass by longer than you know it~
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Had an overload of calories yesterday - 2000 at the minimum, I'm assured....and the ultimate effect of the meaning 'jelak' after two Misato meals in 2 consecutive days and a chocolate fondue party later on. Like wow. I dread to think of the day I will see myself suffering from CHD. But at the very most, it cheered me up :) You gurlies rock. Haha.
These days I take whatever is on the surface and don't look or think too much below the tip of the iceberg. Hence, life is much simpler. Period.
Can't wait for my Greys Ep 6 to finish d/l-ing so I can indulge myself in it again. It's been too long...
Monday, October 23, 2006
In Episode 8 of Season 2, this was what Meredith narrated:
"Maybe Romeo and Juliet WERE meant to be together, but just for a while.
And then their time passed...
Maybe if they had known from the start, it would have been all okay..."
Yeah, maybe....maybe.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Happy 20th Birthday Cheh Kuan!
The Big 2-0 is the epitome of coolness....not old, not old. (gahh who am I kidding. lols)
The Msoc dinner was exhausting. Hardly ate and spent most of my time scooting around ticking names off the list. Ahh well~ It's over.
PS: Minnie Mouse rawks. Lol
Monday, October 09, 2006
9th October 2006 - Happy 20th! :)
However, now I fully understand what ppl mean when they say denial is incredibly annoying. But as to be expected, the leading actor and actress came to their senses finally at the end. Haha.
Two thumbs up all the same, though. Thanks for 'conning' us, heffabao :)
Here's a shout-out to my beloved fellow Heffa, HANNA !!! ^^

Happy 20th Babes! Me loves you loads.'re always the person I can count on, and I'm sorry for all the times I dragged you here, there and everywhere and probably bored you to death! Heheh :) *hugs*
The weekend was incredibly.....I dunno....filled with seeing the same ppl almost over and over again. I hope I didn't bore anyone to death by going on and on like a neverending story...but if I did, hahaha. Gomenasai. The British Museum was pretty cool, though. Less boring than the V&A, although the place was much smaller...although we spent an amazingly geeky moment pausing at a display of a set of bones and identifying trochleas, trochanters, olecranon processes and femurs through the glass. Haha, well, rather...I did.
The Devil Wears Prada with Hanna on Saturday night was...not really up to my high expectations, but filled with breathless portrayals of incredibly well co-ordinated outfits, as the name would have indicated. They didn't impress me as much as Meryl Streep's posh composure though. Hehe. 'That's all~' :)
Greys Episode 2 was a letdown. Blahhhh. But Greys Episode 3 was pretty cool. Hehe. Gahhh, I am such a drama addict xp
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Days like these, I am incredibly tempted to attempt nothing at all except coop myself up and spend my time poring over the appendicular and the axial skeleton. Hence, nothing blog-worthy.
Two thumbs up for Zhou Jie Lun's 'Yi Ran Fantasy', though. Everyone should definitely have a go at listening to the album, be it on repeat (as yours truly had been doing) or not. Hehe.
'Xian Jai Shi Ling Chen San Dian Zhong' is blaring on my player. I had almost forgotten about the days when I was completely into Zhang Zhi Cheng.
Echoing Hee Jin in 'My Name is Kim Sam Soon' about the mysteries of serotonin, I realise now, finally...
It is definitely conquerable :)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006

Ju, Ian, Kim and Moi at Tao :)

Rex, Me, Noemi and ChehKuan at Tao :)
Jo, Me and Jane at SoHo. Crazy Tea Party. Lols
The rest of the Pics from Kim's and The Malakuns' trip to Kch are with NOEMI JIE and I can't really be bothered to upload the rest of pics frm the Tea Party night - connection is toooo slow. Hehe. Send em send em! Oh, and Cherie's cam has the few pics we took during our fateful 7AteNin9 night in The Ascott, KL as well. Was good to see y'all! :)
Being the last person left in Kch kinda sucks. But thank goodness the Best Fried is back to keep me company for a few days. Hehe.
Niffy, I change my mind. I'm too lazy to go buy the Zhou Jie Lun album. Send to me can? ^^
I haven't blogged in ages because every time I try to get into Blogger, the connection is tooo slow for words. Lol. So forgive the lack of inspiration or intellectual speak. When I finally got into Blogger today, I was so amazed that I'm currently at a loss for words. Hahaha.
Return date has been postponed again because of my cousin's problematic visa. So yeayyy in a way, means I get to stay home longer :)
Msoc decided to adopt this Buddy&Mentor thing for the freshers, and I got 'voluntarily' *ahem* (hehehe) dumped into the system being a buddy to some Civil Engineering dude. Like wow. What do I know about Civil Engineering? Lol *shakes head* tsk tsk tsk
Sunday, September 10, 2006
9th September 1987

Okay, this post is a little belated, simply because my streamyx has been cranking up on me for the past two days, (the connection has been unbelievably slow! it still is....urghhh) and I couldn't get into Blogger at all.
Hehe.....but it's the thought that counts, I hope, so here's my dedication to my bestie all the same.
On the 9th of September 1987, my bestie, JenniferLua was born!! :)
So here's a shout-out to you, my dear:
Thank You for being the greatest bestie, despite our being apart after Concord....I was reading back on my testimonials in Friendster the other day and the one you wrote me after we left CC really touched my heart.
- I still insist that I do not call you 'Niffy' in a whisper. I shout. Hehe and I bang on ur door.
Thinking back on the times we spent together, I really miss them....and you. Hehe :)
I miss having our Burger King parties in my room, talking about all sorts of things till unearthly hours. So strange, eh? We only had a Burger King party ONCE in CC, in 6.1, after Easter exams, before we were headed home, and yet the banterings of the party is still embossed in my memory. Hehehe. Damn, sometimes, I wish our CC days could be engraved in time forever.
And like you wrote in your testi for me, I miss the days we went to town on Saturdays and ditched the rest too!! Hahhaah. It's so strange how I love Saturday outings in town best when shopping with you and I do everything most efficiently with you :) You were always there to comfort me when I becamse uncomfortable or sad in town later on, and for that I am so, SO grateful.
Not to mention our days of laughing about Dolly, Lucy, hpy, PP, WaterPlant and RM. Hehehe. OMG those were SO the days, girl! You were the inventor of Numb 4, and though we all don't use the phrase anymore (except Aaron when he refers to strange! hahaha), we ALL still rmb it. Those days were so fun. Lol. And even though I have to apologise for later when I became a leaking water tap for what seemed like forever, I appreciate those days when you tried to knock sense into me even though I was so damn stupid. Hehe. Well, all I can say is that I am so glad all that is in the past now.
And the days prior to the A2 finals when we used to lock ourselves in our rooms, and those no-more-prep-days when I would run over to your room and we would do stupid things like practise our TGII Dance. Hahahah! You, my genius, are still the only person I am proud to know, who memorises Bio books down to the slightest details. Hehe.
You have been one of the few people in my lives who have touched my greatly, and for that I am thankful.
Those 1 and a half years in CC being your bestie, Qing Ai De and honey bunny was the greatest moments of my life, and I'm hoping there will be many more to come :)
Happy Birthday, Girl. I love you loads!!!
Your and forever ^^
PS: Sorry, no pics. Connection is soooo slow that they won't load. Hehe. Will upload them at a later date.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
When it's all over, we will still be friends forever~
I miss you guys already! Heheh. It feels weird not to be racking my brains thinking of somewhere to bring you ppl so we can have our 3 Sekawan reunions.
Lazy to upload pics, simply because Noemi has quite a few of the ones we took and my laptop is away on sick leave, being updated. Hehe.
So Friday Night was dinner at One Tree Hill followed by Tao, then Ian's house, then HOMMEEE.
Sadly, we had to ditch Kim because we decided that we didn't really want to go to yet another bar at Travilion after the night before at Luconia. Hehe.
Sorry, babes! Not intended!
Another thing this summer: Leslie has learnt to drive and park properly! Hehe, way to go, BEST FRIEND! =P
Saturday Night....their last night....was kind of a disaster, in some ways.
Firstly some huge miscommunication between me and Ju ended up with a misunderstanding between Kim and us. sorry, girl. Hehe. Really, really. Didn't mean it. Hope you don merajuk and berdendam w us larh yeah....hehe....we can't pujuk you as well, you know ;)
I liked Sat night the best of all, despite the problems that arose after that.
Chilling at Scoops with Cheh Kuan and Justina...hehe....and later, a short trip to SoHo where we spent like 30 minutes, with Noemi and I frantically counting the seconds every now and then. Lol!
Back to Hilton after that, talking crap in the lobby, and a short trip to Senso, where we didn't stay. I love that place man!!!
And that's a wrap. Hehe. Sigh, sigh.....I wish 3 sekawan could be stuck forever in time. I hadn't had such fun in ages! tmrw I'm KL-bound. Blarrgghhh not looking fwd to it as much as the past times. Only anticipating Luna Bar with The Best Fried and The Ah Lai maybe. Hehe
Friday, September 01, 2006 I suffering from post going-to-CCU-everyday withdrawal symptoms???
Hahaha how ironic. Lols. When I started, I thought I would never EVER finish on time, and yet now that I've finished, I feel strangely empty.
Blaahhhh not to mention I'm going to miss the CCU ppl and the 'special treatment' extended to me. TeeHee :) I think I'm gonna give the Head Nurse a little token of appreciation before I leave, because she was sooooo extremely nice to me.
Andddd Dr. A. Hrmms......I will miss talking to him! The overload of info was definitely refreshing, learning so much about the pathology of the heart in less than a month, talking about drinking stories (not on my part, aHeM. loL), serious stuff, crappy stuff.... blablabla......Like I said, I aspire to be like him in the near future. I like him a whole lot, and he's said a lot of things that has made me think....seriously....about what matters the most in life. And like I was telling my dear Manda the other day, it's strange how we have come to a point in life where you dwell on being geekiER, when in the past, in High School, all we wanted to do was shirk geekdom. Hahha.
And this was the million dollar question we talked about: Where do you see yourself in Ten Years?
Heheh.....Numb 1) Single....Single, Single.....Forever Single. Lols. I've decided to banish myself to geekdom.
Ahh wellll~~ Hehehe....
On a happier note: The Malakuns, i.e. Hugo, Noemi, Rexanna are here! So is Kimberly Goh! Heheh met up yesterday for lunch w the Malakuns with an after-lunch-activity of driving aimlessly around the city 'sight-seeing'. Then we met Kim, Ju, Leslie, Hung, Lai, Sam and Ian at Bing! Alot of 'smallgrouptalking' went on, with me and Lai being left out in the end to talk to each other...Hhahaah....but at night we had our girly catch-up session which I'd been anticipating, and then we went to Luconia for Ju's bday thingy. Which turned out to be.....Hahaha.....Manda, you know the word.
So dinner tonight at One Tree Hill with Ian, Hugo, Noemi and Rex...thanks to Mr Leslie Tan who DITCHED us. Post dinner plans with Cheh Kuan and Leslie, Kim and Ju....hopefully. Hehe. Then it's probably hitting the beach tomorrow, hopefully with Hung and Lai agreeing to come. I need transport!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Well, not exactly, we still have to go through the empty slots where some IC Numbers weren't filled in and clarify some stuff.
But I'm almost done, almost done. Haha.
I was reading in TIME the other day about some dude admitting to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, the reknown child beauty queen who was gruesomely murdered about 10 years ago. The details still horrify me, what with being strangled with a cord and her skull smashed. And at the same time, it makes me wonder how someone like Karr could be so obsessed with the girl to the point of admitting that he was with her when she died and that he loved her. Eurrgghhh....paedophile??
Also read about this other girl in Poland being abducted and kept hidden from her family in some hidden, underground place for 8 years. EIGHT YEARS! Can you imagine? She was 10 when she was kidnapped and when she escaped recently....18. Gosh. Her abductor killed himself hours after she escpaed by throwing himself on train tracks. Must have been one other obsessed, deluded dude =P
On a side note, Yeay to Daphne aka Munchkin for making our day when she called me a few days ago to say that she'll be my scriptwriter! Woots! Heheh :) I have faith in you, Munchkin. You're the best. You're really really good....and I'm so glad you'll give it a shot. Without you, we would have been very nearly screwed.
My Best Fried has left for KL again. It was good to catch up the other day in your room playing with Stitch and the Reindeer headband. Hahahah. See you soon! Luna Bar!!
Haven't been up to anything interesting lately. But my life is definitely going to be brightened up tomorrow. Hehe.....
~* RoLLLLL out the red carpet, baby, because The Malakuns are taking Kch by stormm!!!! :) And Kim of course. Hehehe. Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!! ^^
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Saw Cherie Voon and the rest briefly on Monday night, but I was so lethargic that I barely spoke, and that got me a good amount of scolding from my Best Fried. Haha. As well as a constant reminder that 'The Days are Ticking!'
I've discovered a new favourite in the song '127 Days' by Kang Ta and Vanness Wu. Don't get me wrong, I LOATHE Vanness, but I think the song is quite nice. And a tad addictive. Hehe.
I suspect that this post is gonna be about alot of random, random things. Possibly like what is going through my mind right now. Hahaha.
Haven't been doing much except work, work and more work. Although that seems to have relaxed my Ahmad-ing responsibilities slightly. I no longer have to bring my brother to school or pick him up, simply because I'm stuck in the hospital most of the time. Tee Hee :)
I have a pair of new, geeky, black, plastic-framed glasses. Hahaha :)
And I just remembered I have a luncheon to go to in an hour. Argh.
Oh the randomness....hahaha.
- Peace Out - ^^
Monday, August 21, 2006
Happy 19th Birthday, Audrey
Audrey Soo turns 19 today! Hehe :)
Happy Birthday, Audrey dreyyyyy!~~ ^^ (birthday tune in my tone deaf voice)
May your year be filled with happiness and nothing but that. And may God bless you and guide you through your path in life :)
Thank you for all you've done for me. It takes the slightest gestures to make one realise what a true friend really is *hugs*
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Of work, work and more work :)
So I skived work today. Erps. Lol. Well, I figured that everyone deserves at least one off-day right? So since I was out till really late last night, I decided I would make today my off-day and put in more hours tomorrow. The great thing about this job is that I get totally flexible hours, and as long as I am progressing at a fairly okay pace, I'm not required to stay in the hospital from 8 am - 5 pm every single day.
Work is tedious, but interesting in alot of senses. I don't do any practical work at all, nor do I actually do hands-on research about new advances, randomised controlled double blind trials of new drugs or so on. Haha. All I do is help them type and analyse the data they have had in the CCU (Cardiac Care Unit) into an Excel spreadsheet so that the correlation between age, gender, race, time of admission and different heart diseases can be investigated. So basically, we code the data and I type them all up....which actually amounts to alot, because there are 6 years worth of data to be analysed (2001-2006), and so far, I am only on Jan 2003.
I know this might sound like an utterly boring and meaningless task, haha, which was what I thought at first when Dr A told me I was supposed to help them key in data so that it can be presented later on as a research study. But it's amazing how little I know about the pathology of the heart, or rather, how many different types of heart diseases there are, and that they can be classified into certain more general categories! And because in the beginning I was a little blur about Dr A's amazing ability to abbreviate (STEMI, NSTEMI, PCI, IHD, ACS) Hahaha, I spend most post-work time on the net looking up stuff I don't know and reading up on diseases so that I have a clearer picture of what is going on with each case history.
And as Dr A enthusiastically told me two days ago: "Wow! You're getting really good huh?" Hahah, it felt really good. Not just because I happen to like Dr A ALOT. He's the friendliest, coolest consultant I have ever met in a very long time. Plus, with 12 years of experience in Bristol, I'm sure he really knows his stuff, and yet his public relations skills are amazing. I learnt alot from him, although when I reiterated the very basic knowledge I had read up on Cardiomyopathies, Atrial fibrillations, heart blocks, Ischaemic heart diseases and so on, he took it a tad too far and it reminded me vaguely of vivas. Hehe. Which was good all the same, because I ended up learning even more.
So, Manda, here's all that I promised I'd tell about my research attachment. Hehe. Turns out it wasn't really the kind of research you and I had in mind. Oops. Looks like SGH isn't still as 'canggih' as we expect them to be, eh? Nvm, nvm....maybe in the future :) hehe....
On a lighter note, last night was madness. Absolute madness. Dinner at some hyped up newly-opened Italian restaurant with the crew plus a few outsiders...Lol. Basically, Jane, Yun and I could have had our own private girls party, we were so out-of-sync with the guys' DOTA madness and annoying talk. And when Yun left, Jane and I had to endure it further. Post-dinner plans saw us standing around in circles again and Lai being so embarrassed that he pretended not to know us before proceeding to SoHo. Which was where the madness began. Shall not delve further. I will scare people off and nobody will want to hang with the Lodgians of Class 2003 again. Oh, plus Sam. Haha. How could I forget Jane's new sidekick.
Got a call frm KM at Jo's house at about 12-ish am. Was pretty surprised, but not as much as when he first called me a week ago. Spoke to him for a really long time, though I was straining to hear some of the things he was saying due to the havoc the ppl were causing nearby and due to my lousy pink phone's reception -_- I don't really know what to say about it. I hope I managed to talk some sense into him, though I doubt it, and well, there's really nth that I can say.
All I can say is I hope God will guide him through a brighter path in the future. I was a little off when he first called me, and I suppose I sounded a little too upbeat for his solemness, but he managed to bring my tempo down a little after the hour or so convo. Which was good.
~* To the one mad-laughter-inducing, bursting-into-song in public, chinese-phrases-loving chio bu I will love best in this world. Hehe. You are and will always be my bestie. I was watching Greys a few days ago on lunch break, and I realised what Meredith Grey can be defined as. She doesn't want to let go. Everyone doesn't want to let go. We want to cling on to the past of security and good memories and believe we can build a world where everything goes our way. But life sucks in that way. Not everything goes our way. But it is the bravest who forgets and moves on.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Seriously! How annoying can these people get =P
And what is it this time? Liquid explosives...oh WOW =P So what now? Do they think banning people from carrying contact lens solution on board is going to solve future terrorist attacks? And since when did glasses/sunglasses cases become potentially lethal? To add to that, I was told that books aren't even allowed on board.
Madness....I foresee an EVEN longer queue at Heathrow airport this time. Argh.
Okay, I shall not go on...if I do, I will never stop -_-
Last Thursday saw Lai 'throwing a party' as I asked of him...hehe....I completely forgot about my Hip Hop dance session that night! Whoopsies! Lol. But it was pretty fun all the same...despite dinner just comprising of 4 of us. Leslie, who has MIA-ed for long enough....and Yun, back from KL, whom I have not had the chance to see yet.
So after Thai (I am increasingly proud of myself. Lol. Even Lai said so), which I contributed a large amount of my appetite towards, we sat around thinking of what we should do next.
Didn't take long to decide this time though (hehe), we decided to head to the cinema to watch 'Click'. Jane decided she couldn't come along because of her curfew, so the 5 of us (Lai, Hung, Leslie, Yun and I) went to Star to watch the much talked about Adam Sandler show. It wasn't THAT funny but I prefer it that way, really....and towards the end, I came to think that it was even sadder than 'A Moment to Remember', a certain Korean show that received quite a tear fest by a certain someone. LoL!
Next up on the movie list: The Lake House. Lai says it's senseless, but the storyline is the same as Il Mare, my favourite Korean actress Jeon Ji Hyun's first movie, and knowing KEANU (Lol, Cherie), it is sure to be sappy in many ways.
Next up on the activity list: Have a proper, bigger Class of 2003 gathering. Paul is back, and I need to pay Jane back the money Leslie owes her. Hehe.
And finally, here's the new catch phrase that could rival my favourite quote of Meredith Grey's:
- Will you still love me in the morning?
- Forever and ever babe....
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
My Favourite 19-Year-Old :)
Hehe....that makes you my favourite 19 year old in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! See, see you win. Hehe :)
Thanks for all the times, babes. The good and the bad. I'll never forget those late night chats in Concord or those one-note-a-day policies. Hehe. Miss you loads over here, but I trust you'll have fun on your KL-Ipoh trip without me yeah :)
Next year, come to Kch! Hehe.
Sorry, no pics of us to commemorate this special occasion cos my laptop is very slow and I'm lazy to open it to take the pics inside...hehe....but yeah, nxt time maybe. Lols.
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Yeaps, woogui. You'll be in my heart forever the only woogui I know, as my fellow heffa, and most of all, as one of my greatest friends ever :)
A Happy Belated 20th to Jane (9th Aug). Hope you like the gfit. Hehe. And Happy 20th to Lai as well.
Cheers, y'all :)
Friday, August 04, 2006
Hip-Hop is da way to go! :)
Cheers to my sudden newfound consistency in blogging. Hehe. How long will it last, I wonder~ ;)
Last night's Hip-Hop dance session was eventful. Lol. And full of crap as well, count it on my instructor to add such guffaws into a dance lesson. But yeaps, it was pretty cooL. At least now I know that my loss of gym sessions are somewhat compensated. And it does help that I happen to LIKE R&B very very much ^^
There's a typhoon hurtling through HongKong and the southern provinces of China at the moment! :O
Am somewhat glad that I decided to cancel the initially-planned shopping trip to HK this summer. I mean, I know Typhoon Prapiroon can't be THAT bad, I know my HK friends are still alive and kicking, hehe....but still....with a death toll of 18 and an alleged evacuation of 530 000 residents, I just don't wanna risk it =X Imagine being stranded in HK!
Interestingly enough, Prapiroon means 'God of Rain' THAI! Hehe. Wonder how Heffabao is doing carrying water. Hehe :)
On another interesting note, Scientists have created digital paintings that can change to suit a viewer's mood. Lol.
Apparently there's this webcam situated on the painting which will detect any change in the viewer's expression, and the digital painting will change to suit the viewer's mood, i.e. more agressive brush strokes for foul moods?
And I thought to myself, how 'wu liao' can these scientists get? What's the point of creating a painting like that? Hahaha. Since when was there such a thing as 'digital painting' anyways?
Tsk tsk, *shakes head*
Hehe okay we shouldn't diss them *snigger*
After all, they are the ones who created things like 'anti-obesity vaccines'. Like whoa....okay, I know this isn't very funny.....some obeses ppl are suffering from all sorts of problems that plague their lives and all, but I wish they could give me some of that!
So people, the hormone that stimulates hunger & weight gain is Ghrelin. Come up with a safe antibody that blocks ghrelin FOR SURE (the one they came up with is still KIV apparently), and you will really rock everyone's world. Hehe.
It's so unfair how some ppl can just lose 9 kg in one go but not me -_-
~* A bestie will always be a bestie :) It was nice to catch up (fairly) again. Sorry for the crappy internet connection. Rmb, iLj! Hehe
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Not so much of the scandals that all the girls seemed to be endlessly involved in, but more of the flashy attire and the way they seemed to own the entire NY fashion scene in their wardrobes. Lol.
And then I went on BBC News and read this:
"Women are paying the price for fashion in the form of broken bones and sprained ankles, a doctor has warned."
Rupert Evans, an accident and emergency doctor at University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff said injuries could lead to long-term problems.
Women should stick to shoes with heels less than 4cm (1.5in) if they wanted to avoid a trip to hospital, he advised.
Hahahaha. LOL. The things girls do for FASHION.
I still want to watch 'The Devil Wears Prada', though.
I remember one episode of The O.C. when Summer Roberts was asked to name the person who has inspired her most in this lifetime and she gave the answer 'Miuccia Prada'.
Talk about bimbotique. Haha. And the Quiz I took said that I was most like Summer -_-
The headache has been persisting for 48 hours, or more. Had to turn down Hung's invitation to go and watch 'I dunno what' movie...because I promised myself this hols won't be filled with anymore 'Standing-around-in-circles', but mainly because my head felt like this:
Happy House Cleaning, 'Siti'. Hehe :)
PS: Here's an early birthday shout-out to Angelina Lim Chia Chia who turns the Big 2-0 on the 3rd of August 2006. Hehe. Again, not like you're ever gonna read this but ah well...heh. It's the thought that counts!
And also, the Liangster turns the BIG TUHWENTY-ONE on the 4th of August. Happy Birthday, Dude! August rocks, ey? Hehe. Stupid person been MIA-ing for so long, I don't even rmb what I wrote in my past e-mails anymore when you reply them. Hahaha.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Happy 19th Birthday, Kimberly!
Thank you for being one of the greatest friends I've ever had....and I'm thankful for the fact that WE (you, me, Hanna) have remained close despite some of us TG-ers drifting apart *muacks* Love ya lots, babes. Hehe it feels weird not to be celebrating your bday w you this year but ahh....oh wells....hope I'll see you in KL some time or another.
Hope you're having a blast working in CIMB w Julian and the rest of the LSE ppl. And hrmms....not like you're ever gonna read this, but it's the thought that counts. Hehe.
It was a very eventful and productive weekend. I had doubts about the seminar in the beginning but it turned out to be fairly rewarding, especially the second day. And I was glad to learn so much about headaches....more than I have ever had in my entire life. I know, I's ironic that I'm the Queen of Headaches, yet I have never actually gone round to researching the annoying pain that plagues me ever so often. Heh. Although the only downside (or is it? Lol) was the fact that my cousin's girlfriend appeared to be utterly frightened of me, my other cousin and a friend. Oopsie! Hee :) Were we THAT intimidating?
I also, very surprisingly, bumped into EJ. Remember, Lodgians?? Our uber cool Bio teacher who taught us for....I dunno how long place of Cikgu Anita? Hahahah. He was really nice, although he couldn't register my name and I couldn't register his when I first met him. Hahaha. I think he was a bit daunted by the sudden presence of so many Lodgians suddenly. Me and my cousin both. Lol. Remember the good old days, Cherie? The fluorescent green & yellow tie we gave him and all?
Bao and Audrey left to PKK today. Haha. Hope you guys have fun, carrying water and acting in Thai, mainly. Also, remember not to be too bright a lightbulb ;)
Friday, July 28, 2006
I totally CANNOT believe it.
The Sarawak Club.....nothing but a pile of ash and blackened wood....completely ruined.
I was adamant that the damage couldn't be THAT bad until I made myself drive past it today to check out how badly burnt down it was.
It'll take ages to get it all up and running again. Goodness....and to think that I've been a member since I was 5. Or rather, that I'd just pulled into the driveway a mere few days ago =O
So Gymming and Swimming plans are at a HALT for now *suLLkkkkk*
Kch will definitely not be the same without the Club. Hope they find the cause (or rather, the arsonist....I'm betting it had to be arson) real soon.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Here's to the resurrection of a long dead blog? Hehe....nahh not really. More like a completely revamped blog, stripped clean of all its emo, sappy past. I've decided that my past rants were far too shallow and self-absorbed for their own good, so here's to a fresh new 'flavour'. Lol. Well, hopefully, that is....Haha...I've nvr known myself to be much of a 'current affairs' or 'information overload' kind of blogger. However, I shall persevere :)
Kch has never felt more like home. And I'm drinking in every bit of this summer holidays. Who knows how many summer holidays I'll have to come in the future. And of those, how many I could actually spend in Kch. No matter how much we complain about Kch's lack of social hangouts, especially at the end of the matter how much we loathe our 'standing around in circles' deciding where to go after a movie, no matter how often we visit Bing! to the extent that we can memorise the menu (okay, exaggeration....I can't! lol), it all boils down to one thing. Kch is still home. And home rawks :) I'm sure my fellow Lodgians/Kch-ians will attest to that.
And I swear my driving has gotten better this holiday *HUGE GRIN* Well, still gotta work on the parallel parking a bit, but I actually managed to parallel park last night outside the trendy new place called 'Tao' at which I met Dina, Jane & Thai Ying. Amidst Jane's disgust at the weird-tasting ice-blended green tea and Di's sudden obsession with the name Richard, catch-up session was eventful :) And it is at these sessions that I realise how greatly I miss ppl like Manda, Voon, Cherie L, Yun...etc etc....and the carefree days of High Sch. Haha. It's allright...December will come... (*HINT: if you guys don't come back I'm going to skewer you!)
Currently reading: Tuesdays With Morrie (Mitch Albom)
Hauntingly meaningful. It's amazing how one can connect words with life and make them so...realisitc. So real. Painful in some ways, but so true in others. I remember once putting this quote on my MSN nick and Matthew said it intrigued him because he found it strangely well-connected.
Life is a series of pulls back and forth...a tension of opposites, like the pull on a rubber band, and most of us live somewhere in the middle.
You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do another.
Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't.
You take certain things for granted, even when you know you shouldn't take things for granted.
Nothing like curling up with a good novel on your bed with the much-needed air conditioning at full blast nearby. Hehe ^^
In the midst of browsing through news on the net, I was appalled by the news that Juve were being demoted to Serie B next season with a 30 point deduction. I can't imagine what will happen to them! World class stars like Vieira, Trezeguet and Buffon...Serie B! And even Milan with that 15 point deduction and the ban from European football. Gosh! Milan...they were finalists against Liverpool in the Champions League in 2005 (which Liverpool WON...muahaha). I know I might be abit outdated, as this doesn't seem to be very current news, but ah well....shocked all the same.
This is a little random....but remember the movie 'Fifty First Dates'? If I recall correctly, the girl had short term memory or something. Like, she might know this person one day and completely forget him/her the next. I always thought it was pretty stupid until I read this article about a lady who suffers from 'face blindness' or prosopagnosia, and had to be reminded of her family / friends every single day by means of her 'book of memories' or verbal reminder. More shockingly, it is the result of a virus that infected her a few years ago. To think of the extent that a VIRUS can do to destroy someone's life that way :S
Makes me think again and again how fragile life is and how important it is to live it to the fullest.
Was reading a sappy novel a few days ago and I came across something which I found incredibly true.
"Nothing matters anymore now that I know I can never have what I want the most"
To which the reply was:
"It is still too early in life to use the word 'THE MOST'"
On a completely random note, I'm REALLY looking fwd to starting my job as a research assistant!
Happy Holidays, people~